Jan 2, 2025 | By Kerry Armstrong | Read Time: 4 minutes
Every day, whether we are on the internet or watching the news, we come across stories about a politician or celebrity accused of sexual misconduct—situations you hope never to face personally or affect a loved one. Perhaps the case involves an alleged rape or a sexual assault. You may be wondering, Is there a significant difference between the two?...
Dec 5, 2024 | By Kerry Armstrong | Read Time: 4 minutes
You are worried, and rightfully so. A domestic violence charge casts a long shadow, but its most painful effect may be on your relationship with your children. Facing an uncertain future and the possibility of losing time with them, you want to know how a domestic violence charge affects child custody and what steps to take. Here is how California law...
Dec 3, 2024 | By Kerry Armstrong | Read Time: 3 minutes
California law has strict time frames during which the prosecution can bring criminal charges against you. The prosecutor cannot file charges after the statute of limitations has expired. However, the statute of limitations for sexual assault lasts longer than the limitations periods for most crimes. If you are under investigation for sexual assault or have sexual assault charges, understanding...