¿Cuánto tiempo se va a la cárcel por violencia doméstica?

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¿Ha sido acusado de violencia doméstica y le preocupa la posibilidad de ir a la cárcel? 

If you have been, you are likely wondering how long do you go to jail for domestic violence?

¿Qué dicen las leyes de California sobre los cargos por violencia doméstica?

La violencia doméstica ocurre en muchos hogares. Usted puede enfrentar tiempo en la carcel por ser acusado de violencia domestica en el estado de California.

A veces la violencia doméstica es intencionada, y otras veces el acusado puede ser acusado injustamente.

Los acusadores pueden malinterpretar las acciones de alguien y presentar cargos de violencia doméstica.

Tanto si la víctima tiene motivos para la acusación como si no, usted necesita ayuda legal cuando se enfrenta a cargos de violencia doméstica.

California courts take domestic violence seriously, and it can be difficult to persuade a jury to reduce jail time for domestic violence charges.

No dé por sentada su libertad e intente defender este cargo por su cuenta.

You need a skilled criminal defense attorney with domestic violence defense experience to help you get your charge reduced or dismissed. For experienced legal help, call the Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong, APLC.

Keep reading for information on domestic violence charges, jail time, and other penalties.

¿Qué es la violencia doméstica?

La violencia doméstica se produce cuando se hace daño o se intenta hacer daño a alguien cercano.

Las relaciones sujetas a violencia doméstica incluyen:

  • Casados o con pareja,
  • Ex cónyuges o ex parejas,
  • Co-padres, y
  • Cohabitantes o ex cohabitantes.

Types of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is not limited to physical harm—it can take many forms. Each type of domestic violence can lead to severe legal consequences and emotional distress for the victim.

Understanding the different types of domestic violence can help clarify what behaviors may lead to criminal charges. Here are the primary forms of domestic violence under California law:

1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the most recognized form of domestic violence. It involves causing bodily harm to the victim or attempting to do so. This includes hitting, slapping, punching, choking, or any other physical violence. Even minor injuries can result in criminal charges. If the victim sustains serious injuries or if a weapon is used, the offense could be upgraded to a felony.

2. Emotional and Psychological Abuse

Emotional abuse can be just as damaging as physical violence. It includes verbal threats, insults, humiliation, and constant criticism aimed at diminishing the victim’s self-worth. This type of abuse can also involve controlling behavior, such as isolating the victim from friends and family or monitoring their actions.

3. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is another form of domestic violence where one partner forces sexual activity on the other without consent. This may include coercion, manipulation, or physical force to engage in sexual acts. Sexual abuse in a domestic relationship can lead to both criminal charges and civil consequences.

4. Financial Abuse

Financial abuse occurs when one partner tries to control the other’s financial resources. This can include restricting access to money, preventing the victim from working, or running up debts in the victim’s name. Financial abuse can make it difficult for the victim to leave the relationship, as they may be financially dependent on the abuser.

5. Verbal and Threatening Abuse

Threatening or intimidating behavior can escalate domestic violence situations. Verbal abuse can involve threats of harm, insults, or emotional manipulation. Threatening actions—such as breaking objects, raising a fist, or threatening to harm loved ones—create a sense of fear and can lead to legal action, even if no physical violence occurs.

6. Stalking and Harassment

Stalking is another form of domestic violence that includes repeatedly following, watching, or contacting someone in a way that causes them fear. It could involve monitoring the victim’s movements, showing up uninvited at their home or workplace, or sending unwanted communications.

7. Digital Abuse

With the rise of technology, digital abuse has become more common. This involves using technology to control, intimidate, or harass a partner. Examples include sending threatening messages, tracking the victim’s phone or social media accounts, or sharing private photos or information without consent.

Legal Penalties for Domestic Violence in San Diego

La ley de California permite que la violencia doméstica se impute como delito grave o como delito menor.

La categoría de su cargo impacta el posible tiempo en la cárcel por violencia doméstica.

Además, su sentencia depende de la gravedad y el historial de violencia doméstica. 

Un tribunal puede elevar la violencia doméstica a delito grave si concurren estos factores:

  • La víctima sufrió heridas graves,
  • Un niño fue testigo de la violencia doméstica,
  • La violencia doméstica implicó el uso o la amenaza de uso de un arma peligrosa, o
  • El agresor ha sido condenado por violencia doméstica en el pasado.

Si el acusado es acusado de un delito menor de lesiones, se aplican estas penas:

  • Una multa de hasta 2.000 dólares y
  • Hasta un año de cárcel. 

Si el acusado es acusado de un delito grave de lesiones, se aplican estas penas:

  • Una multa de hasta 6.000 dólares y
  • Hasta 4 años de prisión.

El juez también puede conceder al delincuente la libertad condicional.

Uno de los mandatos de la libertad condicional exige que el acusado asista a un programa de tratamiento de maltratadores de al menos un año de duración.

Además, el juez puede ordenar al agresor que haga una donación a un centro de acogida de mujeres y que pague el asesoramiento psicológico de la víctima.

Factors Influencing Jail Time for Domestic Violence

When facing domestic violence charges, the potential jail time you could face depends on several key factors, each of which plays a crucial role in determining the severity of your sentence. 

1. Misdemeanor vs. Felony Charges

One of the primary factors that influence jail time for domestic violence is whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or felony charge.

  • Misdemeanor Charges: If you are charged with misdemeanor domestic violence (e.g., battery), you may face up to a year in county jail, fines up to $2,000, and mandatory counseling.
  • Felony Charges: Felony charges are far more serious and can result in significant jail time, up to 4 years in state prison. A felony charge is often the result of aggravating circumstances, such as a prior domestic violence conviction, the use of a weapon, or severe injuries to the victim.

2. Severity of the Victim’s Injuries

The extent of harm caused to the victim is one of the most significant factors in determining jail time.

  • Serious Injuries: If the victim suffers serious injuries, such as broken bones, head trauma, or any life-threatening harm, the court is more likely to impose a harsher sentence.
  • Minor Injuries or No Injury: In cases where the victim suffers only minor injuries or none at all, the sentence may be less severe.

3. Use or Threat of a Weapon

The use or even the threatened use of a weapon during a domestic violence incident can result in significantly increased penalties.

  • Weapon Involvement: If a weapon is used or threatened during the act of violence, the charge can be upgraded to a felony, increasing the potential for a lengthy jail or prison sentence.
  • Weapon in the Threat of Violence: Even if the weapon wasn’t physically used but was only displayed or threatened, it can still escalate the charges.

4. Prior Criminal History

Your prior criminal history, particularly any previous convictions related to domestic violence, can significantly influence your sentence.

  • Repeat Offenders: If you have a history of domestic violence or similar charges, the court is likely to impose harsher penalties, including longer jail time.
  • No Prior Offenses: If you are a first-time offender, the court may consider your clean record and may offer more lenient sentencing options, such as probation or reduced jail time.

5. Child or Witness Involvement

When children or other individuals are involved or witness an act of domestic violence, the court may impose stricter penalties.

  • Child Witnesses: If a child is present during the incident, the crime may be considered more serious, leading to an upgraded charge and increased sentencing.
  • Other Witnesses: Domestic violence involving other witnesses, such as neighbors or family members, may also escalate the charges.

6. Impact of the Victim’s Testimony

The victim’s actions and testimony can greatly affect the outcome of the case.

  • Victim Cooperation: If the victim is cooperative and willing to testify against you, it can lead to a more severe sentence.
  • Victim Recanting: If the victim later recants their statements or refuses to testify, the prosecutor may still proceed with the case, but their testimony (or lack thereof) can impact sentencing.

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Contact Our San Diego Domestic Violence Lawyer for a Free Consultation

Si se enfrenta a cargos de violencia doméstica, debe ponerse en contacto con un abogado de violencia doméstica en San Diego de inmediato.

Los cargos por violencia doméstica pueden acarrear penas de cárcel, multas costosas y antecedentes penales.

Estos cargos pueden dañar su reputación y dificultarle la búsqueda de vivienda o empleo. 

Usted necesita un abogado experto en violencia doméstica que utilizará cada defensa legal disponible para conseguir que sus cargos sean reducidos o desestimados.

Las Oficinas Legales de Kerry L. Armstrong, APLC, tienen más de dos décadas de experiencia ayudando a acusados criminales.

Sabemos que enfrentarse a cargos penales puede ser una experiencia que cambia la vida.

Por eso escuchamos su historia con compasión y le ofrecemos una estrategia legal bien informada.

Llame para una consulta gratuita con nuestros abogados de defensa criminal que lucharán por su futuro.

Su libertad depende de que encuentre ayuda legal experimentada, por lo que necesita nada menos que uno de los mejores abogados de defensa criminal en San Diego, California.

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Foto del autor

Kerry L. Armstrong


Abogado Kerry Armstrong abrió su bufete en junio de 2007. El Sr. Armstrong asistió a Facultad de Derecho Thomas JeffersonSan Diego, California, y obtuvo su licenciatura en Universidad Estatal de Middle Tennessee. Kerry L. Armstrong obtuvo la certificación del Consejo de Especialización Jurídica del Colegio de Abogados de California de Derecho Penal en agosto de 2020, lo que le uno de los pocos abogados penalistas con un certificado de especialización jurídica en derecho penal en el condado de San Diego. Entre 2014 - 2019, el Sr. Armstrong fue seleccionado para su inclusión en el Súper Abogados de California un honor que sólo se concede al 5% de los abogados del país.

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