Cuando usted necesita un abogado de defensa criminal

Consultas gratuitas y confidenciales

If you have been charged with a crime in San Diego, such as possession of drugs with intent to distribute, or are suspected of murder, domestic violence, or any other criminal act, you need a good criminal defense lawyer on your side to help you. Know your rights if you are ever arrested on suspicion of a crime, whether you are an adult or a juvenile under 18 years of age.

You have a right to speak with a San Diego criminal defense lawyer before ever answering any questions that the police may ask you, before or after being arrested. If they ask you questions after you have been arrested and handcuffed, but before you are given your Miranda Rights, do not answer.

Technically, any answers you give before police read you your Rights, can be suppressed from the case, but better to just remain quiet. Do not protest your innocence and argue with the police, no matter how tempting that is. You need a criminal defense lawyer at once.

Never answer any questions until you talk to a criminal defense lawyer first. What you say, whether you have been given your Miranda Rights or not, could potentially be held against you in a court of law.

Provide your criminal defense lawyer with the details of how you were detained, what the police said to you at the time they detained you, and what they said, or accused you of, when they arrested you.

Let your lawyer know exactly at what point, in the timeline of events, the police gave you the Miranda Rights statement, if they did it. If they never gave you Miranda Rights, tell your lawyer that too.

Juveniles, under 18 (California Family Law Code §6500), will be moved to Juvenile Court, dependent on the type of crime they are accused of. They will also need a criminal defense lawyer, experienced in how Juvenile Courts work, and what potential outcomes to avoid.

They protect the young from life-altering convictions that limit what they can do for the rest of their lives. Parents, or guardians, must at once call a criminal defense lawyer to go see their child if he or she was placed in prison.

A good criminal defense attorney knows the power of telling the accused’s side of the story, who can point out reasons why the accused could not have done the crime the police are charging the individual with.

It is not just a matter of knowing the laws, but of persuading the court that there is a lack of evidence in the case, that police could be wrong in who they arrested, that other suspects were the ones to commit the crime and show that the accused is innocent of the charges.

If you, a family member, or your child, have been accused of a crime and been arrested, call us at once so we can help you with your situation. Call 619-234-2300 or connect online.

Foto del autor

Kerry L. Armstrong


Abogado Kerry Armstrong abrió su bufete en junio de 2007. El Sr. Armstrong asistió a Facultad de Derecho Thomas JeffersonSan Diego, California, y obtuvo su licenciatura en Universidad Estatal de Middle Tennessee. Kerry L. Armstrong obtuvo la certificación del Consejo de Especialización Jurídica del Colegio de Abogados de California de Derecho Penal en agosto de 2020, lo que le uno de los pocos abogados penalistas con un certificado de especialización jurídica en derecho penal en el condado de San Diego. Entre 2014 - 2019, el Sr. Armstrong fue seleccionado para su inclusión en el Súper Abogados de California un honor que sólo se concede al 5% de los abogados del país.

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