“White collar crime” is a catch-all definition for a range of fraud crimes committed by business and government employees. These crimes These crimes are marked by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust. They are typically not crimes that involve force or violence.
In most cases, the motivation for committing white-collar crime is financial–to get or avoid losing money or something else of value, or to gain a personal or business advantage.
These are not victimless crimes. White collar scams can destroy companies and devastate families. And today’s white collar fraud schemes are more sophisticated than ever.
Being accused of a white collar crime can be devastating to your career, your reputation, and your future. The white-collar defense attorneys of The Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong have a proven track record of getting results for their clients.
Types of White Collar Crime
Some of the major types of white-collar crime include the following:
- Government corruption
- Money laundering
- Corporate fraud
- Securities and commodities fraud
- Mortgage fraud
- Financial institution fraud
- Bank fraud
- Malversación
- Health care fraud
Most common white collar crimes are types of fraud, embezzlement, tax evasion, and money laundering. White collar crimes can also be those associated with scams, such as Ponzi schemes.
White collar crimes can be committed by individuals as well as by corporations or other entities. Both the state of California and the federal government can bring charges for white collar crimes against someone.
If you are being accused of a white-collar crime in California, it is important for you to speak with one of our experienced defense attorneys as soon as possible.
Causes of White Collar Crime
Why do white collar crimes happen? The most basic reason for these crimes being committed is the pursuit of monetary gain.
Those who commit white collar crimes also typically justify their behavior to themselves. Embezzlers may say they’re just borrowing the money. Executives who violate government rules may argue that they are unreasonable intrusions into the free market. Corporate managers caught cheating clients may say they’re only doing what their company does. The causes of white-collar crime include the perception that, in some places, unethical behavior is seen as normal.
In addition, one of the major causes of white-collar crime is opportunity—an atmosphere where the perpetrators believe there is no way they will be caught because there is little oversight of their actions. A workplace culture where there is inadequate supervision or few internal controls can lead to the commission of white collar crimes.
You do not have to fall victim to white collar crime charges if you have the right team of San Diego defense attorneys at your side. Contact the Law Offices of Kerry L. Armstrong to get the legal representation and strong defense you need.